Basic Implementation

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function() { var options = { id: 'demo1', name: 'demo1', targetContainer: '#demo1-target', rangeContainer: '#demo1', val: 25, min: 0, max: 100, granularity: "5" } var myProficio1 = new Proficio(options); },false);

Drag the control...

Vertical Implementation

Advanced demo with custom callback for range changes:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function() { var options = { id: 'demo2', name: 'demo2', targetContainer: '#demo2-target', rangeContainer: '#demo2', val: 10, min: 0, max: 100, granularity: "10", orientation: 'v', callback: function() { var myRangeInstance = this , myTargetElem = document.querySelector('#demo2-target') , myRangeVal = myRangeInstance.val , myNewOpacity = myRangeVal/100; ; console.log('My custom callback with my Proficio JS instance: ', myRangeInstance) console.log('Setting the opacity of the target based on the progress made in the range: ' + myNewOpacity); = 'opacity: ' + myNewOpacity; } } var myProficio2 = new Proficio(options); },false);

Drag the control...

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function() { var options = { id: 'demo3', name: 'demo3', targetContainer: '#demo3-target', rangeContainer: '#demo3', val: 25, min: 0, max: 100, granularity: "5", orientation: 'h' } var myProficio3 = new Proficio(options); // use new instance to call API methods myProficio3.step('down'); myProficio3.step('up'); myProficio3.set(10); },false);

Advanced Implementation With step() and set() Controls

Advanced demo with external step() and set() controls.

Advanced Implementation With play(), pause() and stop() Controls

Advanced demo with external `play()` functionality and custom play speed.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function() { var options = { id: 'demo4', name: 'demo4', targetContainer: '#demo4-target', rangeContainer: '#demo4', val: 1, min: 1, max: 10, granularity: "1", playSpeed: 500 } var myProficio4 = new Proficio(options); // use new instance to call API methods; // automatically plays the range myProficio4.pause(); // pauses the playing range myProficio4.stop(); // stops and reset the range },false);


For full documentation, please see the `docs` folder or the readme of the Github repository.